

Multiple Images and Flux Ratio Anomaly of Fuzzy Gravitational Lenses

James H. H. Chan (詹弘旭) , Hsi-Yu Schive (薛熙于) , Shing-Kwong Wong (黃承光) , Tzihong Chiueh (闕志鴻) , Tom Broadhurst
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 111102 (2020)
arXiv: 2002.10473

Dynamical Evidence of a Solitonic Core of 109 M in the Milky Way

Ivan De Martino, Tom Broadhurst , S. -H. Henry Tye , Tzihong Chiueh , Hsi-Yu Schive
Phys. Dark Universe 28, 100503 (2020)
arXiv: 1807.08153

Soliton Random Walk and the Cluster-Stripping Problem in Ultralight Dark Matter

Hsi-Yu Schive (薛熙于) , Tzihong Chiueh (闕志鴻) , Tom Broadhurst
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 201301 (2020)
arXiv: 1912.09483

Testing the Prediction of Fuzzy Dark Matter Theory in the Milky Way Center

Zhi Li (李智) , Juntai Shen (沈俊太) , Hsi-Yu Schive (薛熙于)
Astrophys. J. 903, 66 (2020)
arXiv: 2001.00318


Large Scale Dynamo in a Primordial Accretion Flow -- An Interpretation from Hydrodynamic Simulation

Wei-Ting Liao , Matthew Turk , Hsi-Yu Schive
arXiv , (2019)
arXiv: 1911.07898

VizieR Online Data Catalog: High-z galaxy candidates in the HFF cluster fields (Leung+, 2018)

E Leung , T Broadhurst , J Lim , JM Diego , T Chiueh , H-Y Schive , R Windhorst
yCat , (2019)

Testing Extreme-axion Wave Dark Matter Using the BOSS Lyman-Alpha Forest Data

Ka-Hou Leong , Hsi-Yu Schive , Ui-Han Zhang , Tzihong Chiueh
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 484, 4273–4286 (2019)
arXiv: 1810.05930


Gamer-2: a GPU-Accelerated Adaptive Mesh Refinement Code – Accuracy, Performance, and Scalability

Hsi-Yu Schive , John A ZuHone , Nathan J Goldbaum , Matthew J Turk , Massimo Gaspari , Chin-Yu Cheng
Mon. Not. R. Astron Soc. 481, 4815-4840 (2018)
arXiv: 1712.07070

Magnification Bias of Distant Galaxies in the Hubble Frontier Fields: Testing Wave Versus Particle Dark Matter Predictions

Enoch Leung , Tom Broadhurst , Jeremy Lim , Jose M Diego , Tzihong Chiueh , Hsi-Yu Schive , Rogier Windhorst
Astron. J 862, 156 (2018)

How do Stars Affect ψDM Haloes?

James HH Chan , Hsi-Yu Schive , Tak-Pong Woo , Tzihong Chiueh
Mon. Not. R. Astron Soc. 478, 2686-2699 (2018)

Magnetohydrodynamics with GAMER

Ui-Han Zhang , Hsi-Yu Schive , Tzihong Chiueh
Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 236, 50 (2018)
arXiv: 1804.03479

Self-Consistent Construction of Virialized Wave Dark Matter Halos

Shan-Chang Lin , Hsi-Yu Schive , Shing-Kwong Wong , Tzihong Chiueh
Phys. Rev. D 97, 103523 (2018)
arXiv: 1801.02320

Ultra Light Axionic Dark Matter: Galactic Halos and Implications for Observations with Pulsar Timing Arrays

Ivan De Martino , Tom Broadhurst , S-H Henry Tye , Tzihong Chiueh , Hsi-Yu Schive , Ruth Lazkoz
Galaxies 6, 10 (2018)

Halo abundance and assembly history with extreme-axion wave dark matter at z ≥ 4

Hsi-Yu Schive , Tzihong Chiueh
Mon. Not. R. Astron Soc. 473, L36-L40 (2018)
arXiv: 1706.03723


Recognizing Axionic Dark Matter by Compton and de Broglie Scale Modulation of Pulsar Timing

Ivan De Martino , Tom Broadhurst , S-H Henry Tye , Tzihong Chiueh , Hsi-Yu Schive , Ruth Lazkoz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 221103 (2017)

Cosmological Perturbations of Extreme Axion in the Radiation Era

Ui-Han Zhang , Tzihong Chiueh
Phys. Rev. D 96, 063522 (2017)
arXiv: 1705.01439

The Pan-STARRS1 Medium-deep Survey: Star Formation Quenching in Group and Cluster Environments

Hung-Yu Jian1 , Lihwai Lin1 , Kai-Yang Lin1 , Sebastien Foucaud , Chin-Wei Chen1 , Tzihong Chiueh , R. G. Bower , Shaun Cole , Wen-Ping Chen , W. S. Burgett , P. W. Draper , H. Flewelling , M. E. Huber , N. Kaiser , R.-P. Kudritzki , E. A. Magnier , N. Metcalfe , R. J. Wainscoat , C. Waters
Astrophys. J. 845, 74 (2017)
arXiv: 1708.02850

Jeans Analysis for Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies in Wave Dark Matter

Shu-Rong Chen , Hsi-Yu Schive , Tzihong Chiueh
Mon. Not. R. Astron Soc. 468, 1338-1348 (2017)
arXiv: 1606.09030

Grackle: a Chemistry and Cooling Library for Astrophysics

Britton D Smith , Greg L Bryan , Simon CO Glover , Nathan J Goldbaum , Matthew J Turk , John Regan , John H Wise , Hsi-Yu Schive , Tom Abel , Andrew Emerick , Brian W O'Shea , Peter Anninos , Cameron B Hummels , Sadegh Khochfar
Mon. Not. R. Astron Soc. 466, 2217-2234 (2017)
arXiv: 1610.09591

Hydrodynamical Simulations of Colliding Jets: Modeling 3C 75

SM Molnar , H-Y Schive , M Birkinshaw , T Chiueh , G Musoke , AJ Young
Astropart. Phys. 835, 57 (2017)

Complete Waveform Model for Compact Binaries on Eccentric Orbits

EA Huerta , Prayush Kumar , Bhanu Agarwal , Daniel George , Hsi-Yu Schive , Harald P Pfeiffer , Roland Haas , Wei Ren , Tony Chu , Michael Boyle , Daniel A Hemberger , Lawrence E Kidder , Mark A Scheel , Bela Szilagyi
Phys. Rev. D 95, 024038 (2017)
arXiv: 1609.05933


Galaxy-Scale Gravitational Lens Candidates from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Imaging Survey and the Galaxy and Mass Assembly Spectroscopic Survey

James H. H. Chan , Sherry H. Suyu , Anupreeta More , Masamune Oguri , Tzihong Chiueh , Jean Coupon10, , Bau-Ching Hsieh , Yutaka Komiyama , Satoshi Miyazaki , Hitoshi Murayama , Atsushi J. Nishizawa , Paul Price , Philip J. Tait , Tsuyoshi Terai , Yousuke Utsumi , Shiang-Yu Wang
Astrophys. J. 832, 135 (2016)

SHARP – III. First Use of Adaptive-Optics Imaging to Constrain Cosmology with Gravitational Lens Time Delays

Geoff C.-F. Chen , Sherry H. Suyu , Kenneth C. Wong , Christopher D. Fassnacht , Tzihong Chiueh , Aleksi Halkola , I Shing Hu , Matthew W. Auger , Leon V. E. Koopmans , David J. Lagattuta , John P. McKean , Simona Vegetti
Mon. Not. R. Astron Soc. 462, 3457-3475 (2016)
arXiv: 1601.01321

Can We Detect the Color-Density Relation with Photometric Redshifts?

Chuan-Chin Lai , Lihwai Lin , Hung-Yu Jian , Tzi-Hong Chiueh , Alex Merson , Carlton Baugh , Sebastien Foucaud , Chin-Wei Chen , Wen-Ping Chen
Mon. Not. R. Astron Soc. 825, 40 (2016)
arXiv: 1501.01398

Contrasting Galaxy Formation from Quantum Wave Dark Matter, ψDM, with ΛCDM, Using Planck and Hubble Data

Hsi-Yu Schive , Tzihong Chiueh , Tom Broadhurst , Kuan-Wei Huang
818, 89 (2016)


CHITAH: Strong-Gravitational-Lens Hunter in Imaging Surveys

James H. H. Chan , Sherry H. Suyu , Tzihong Chiueh , Anupreeta More , Philip J. Marshall , Jean Coupon , Masamune Oguri , Paul Price
807, 138 (2015)
arXiv: 1411.5398

Sound-Triggered Collapse of Stably Oscillating Low-Mass Cores in a Two-Phase Interstellar Medium

Ui-Han Zhang , Hsi-Yu Schive , Tzihong Chiueh
Mon. Not. R. Astron Soc. 449, 3183-3190 (2015)
arXiv: 1503.08564

Ultrawideband 1-b Digital Spectrometer

Hsiao-Feng Teng , Ui-Han Zhang , Tzi Hong Chiueh , Shing-Kwong Wong , Huan-Hsin Li , Yen-Lin Chen
IEEE Trans Instrum Meas 64, 299-307 (2015)


Understanding the Core-halo Relation of Quantum Wave Dark Matter From 3D Simulations

Hsi-Yu Schive , Ming-Hsuan Liao , Tak-Pong Woo , Shing-Kwong Wong , Tzihong Chiueh , Tom Broadhurst , WY Pauchy Hwang
113, 261302 (2014)
arXiv: 1407.7762

A 4 GHz Cryogenic Amplifier in 0.18 µm General Purpose BiCMOS Technology

Yu-Shao Jerry Shiao , Guo-Wei Huang , Tzi-Hong Chiueh
APMC 2014 , (2014)

Why is the Dark Axion Mass 10−22 eV?

Tzihong Chiueh
arXiv , (2014)
arXiv: 1409.0380

A New Method for Computing Self-Gravity in an Isolated System

James H. H. Chan , Tzihong Chiueh
Mon. Not. R. Astron Soc. 442, 3462-3468 (2014)
arXiv: 1407.2811

Cosmic Structure as the Quantum Interference of a Coherent Dark Wave

Hsi-Yu Schive , Tzihong Chiueh , Tom Broadhurst
Nature Physics 10, 496-499 (2014)
arXiv: 1406.6586

Probability Friends-of-Friends (PFOF) Group Finder: Performance Study and Observational Data Applications on Photometric Surveys

Hung-Yu Jian , Lihwai Lin , Tzihong Chiueh , Kai-Yang Lin , Hauyu Baobab Liu , Alex Merson , Carlton Baugh , Jia-Sheng Huang , Chin-Wei Chen , Sebastien Foucaud , David N. A. Murphy , Shaun Cole , William Burgett , Nick Kaiser
Astrophys. J. 788, 109 (2014)
arXiv: 1305.1891

New Near-Infrared Observations and Lens-Model Constraints for UM673⋆,⋆⋆

E. Koptelova1 , T. Chiueh1 , W. P. Chen , H. H. Chan1
Astron. Astrophys 566, A36 (2014)
arXiv: 1307.2390

A 77-118 GHz Resonance-free Septum Polarizer

Yen-Lin Chen , Tzihong Chiueh , Hsiao-Feng Teng
Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 211, 11 (2014)
arXiv: 1402.7329

Before 2014

Directionally Unsplit Hydrodynamic Schemes with Hybrid MPI/OpenMP/GPU Parallelization in AMR

Hsi-Yu Schive , Ui-Han Zhang , Tzihong Chiueh
Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl. 26, 367-377 (2012)
arXiv: 1103.3373

Environmental Dependence of Galaxy Merger Rate in ΛCDM Universe

Hung-Yu Jian , Lihwai Lin , Tzihong Chiueh
Astrophys. J. 754, 26 (2012)
arXiv: 1205.1588

Numerical Simulations of Acoustic Waves with the Graphic Acceleration GAMER Code

K Murawski , H Schive
Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech. 60, 787-792 (2012)

Accelerated Many-Core GPU Computing for Physics and Astrophysics on Three Continents

Rainer Spurzem , Peter Berczik , Ingo Berentzen , Wei Ge, Xiaowei Wang , Hsi-Yu Schive , Keigo Nitadori , Tsuyoshi Hamada , José Fiestas
Large‐Scale Computing , 35-58 (2012)

Multi-Science Applications with Single Codebase-GAMER-for Massively Parallel Architectures

Hemant Shukla , Hsi-Yu Schive , Tak-Pong Woo , Tzihong Chiueh
SC'11 Proceeding 1, 1-11 (2011)

Vortex turbulence in linear Schrödinger wave mechanics

Tzihong Chiueh , Tak-Pong Woo , Hung-Yu Jian , Hsi-Yu Schive
J. Phys. B 44, 115101 (2011)
arXiv: 0910.2791

Where do Wet, Dry, and Mixed Galaxy Mergers Occur? A Study of the Environments of Close Galaxy Pairs in the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey

Lihwai Lin , Michael C. Cooper , Hung-Yu Jian , David C. Koo , David R. Patton , Renbin Yan , Christopher N. A. Willmer , Alison L. Coil , Tzihong Chiueh , Darren J. Croton , Brian F. Gerke , Jennifer Lotz , Puragra Guhathakurta , Jeffrey A. Newman
Astron. J. 718, 1158-1170 (2010)
arXiv: 1001.4560

Real-Time Tbps Digital Correlator in NTU-Array

Shing-Kwong Wong , Huan-Hsin Li , Yu Shao , Jerry Shiao , Hsiao-Feng Teng , Yen-Lin Chen , Tzihong Chiueh
Proc. SPIE 7741, 77412T (2010)

GAMER with Out-of-Core Computation

Hsi-Yu Schive , Yu-Chih Tsai , Tzihong Chiueh
Proc. Int. Astron. Union 6, 401-404 (2010)
arXiv: 1007.3818

Effects of Nonuniform Input Spectra on Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Wide-Bandwidth Digital Correlation

Shing Kwong Wong1 , Tzihong Chiueh
Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. 122, 215-223 (2010)

GAMER: a Graphic Processing Unit Accelerated Adaptive-mesh-refinement Code for Astrophysics

Hsi-Yu Schive , Yu-Chih Tsai , Tzihong Chiueh
186, 457-484 (2010)
arXiv: 0907.3390

High-Resolution Simulation on Structure Formation with Extremely Light Bosonic Dark Matter

Tak-Pong Woo , Tzihong Chiueh
Astron. J. 697, 850-861 (2009)
arXiv: 0806.0232

Graphic-Card Cluster for Astrophysics (GraCCA)–Performance Tests

Hsi-Yu Schive , Chia-Hung Chien , Shing-Kwong Wong , Yu-Chih Tsai, , Tzihong Chiueh
New Astron. 13, 418-435 (2008)
arXiv: 0707.2991