

闕志鴻 (Tzihong Chiueh)

  • Position: Professor
  • Intro:
    Tzihong Chiueh was born in Hsi-Tser (汐止), Taipei County, Nov. 29, 1955. He obtained BS/Physics, MS/Physics and PhD/Physics in 1978, 1980 and 1985 from NTU, UCLA and UT Austin, respectively. During 1985 to 1989, he worked as a postdoc fellow in University of Colorado in Boulder. In 1989, he joined Physics Department, National Central University as a faculty member, and in 1992 he became a faculty member of the then newly formed Institute of Astronomy, National Central University, also serving as the Director. Since 1998, he joined Physics Department NTU as a faculty member. He also holds a joint appointment with Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA) ever since 1993. In 1997-1999, he serves in National Science Council as the Co-Chairman of the Physics Research Review Committee. Tzihong Chiueh’s research interests include Theoretical Astrophysics, Computational Astrophysics and Astrophysics instrumentations. He was awarded with the Outstanding Research Awards of National Science Council in 1991, 1994 and 2003, and was appointed as the NTU Distinguished Professor since 2007.

胡德邦 (Tak Pong Woo)

  • Position: Assistant Professor
  • Intro:


曾煒軒 (Tseng, Wei-Hsuan)

  • Position: Research Assistant
  • Intro:
    Wei-Hsuan is a research asistant at NTU from April 2020. Helping build GPU clusters and mentian the system.
  • Projects: eureka


蘇冠銘 (Guna-Ming Su)

  • Position: Ph.D
  • Intro:
    Hello, I am Guan-Ming Su. I was originally working on experimental condensed matter physics during my master and first two years Ph.D, but later found simulation and programming so interesting that I decided to switch to the current field. Now I am in the learning phase of cosmology simulation, especially about the large scale structure, and hope to catch on this cutting edge science with tons of unsolved problems leaving us to explore :)
  • Projects: re-construct Milky-Way scale dark matter halo

曾柏勳(Po-Hsun Tseng)

  • Position: Ph.D
  • Intro:
    I am interested in numerical analysis, data analysis, data visualization, and developing codes for dynamics simulation in astrophysical problems.
  • Projects: relativistic magnetohydrodynamics, AGN feedback, and high energy physics.


李奕廣 (Vicent Lee)

  • Position: Master
  • Intro:
    I'm in the second year of the master's programs, I'm working on simulating star formation to find the possible physical answer of an observation result.

黃立鈞 (Li Chun Huang)

  • Position: Master
  • Intro:
    A master student of astrophysics working about the tidal force effect of psiDM and CDM.
  • Projects: Compare different between psiDM and CDM under tidal force.

Chun-Yen Chen (陳俊延)

  • Position: Master
  • Intro:
    I am Chun-Yen. I was born in Kaohsiung. I like to play volleyball and try new things. Currently, I am adding the cosmic ray into GAMER.
  • Projects: Cosmic Ray

許藝薰 (Yi-Hsiung Hsu, a.k.a Arthur Hsu)

  • Position: Master
  • Intro:
    I earned Bachelor of Science, department of physics at National Taiwan University at 2018. I'm now pursuing Master degree at National Taiwan University. My project is analyzing linear perturbations in universe of multi-component ultralight axion. We apply different approximations to alleviate the required time of calculating stiff evolution equations. These calculations are further promoted to multi-component universe.
  • Projects: Evolution of perturbations and spectra in multi-component ultralight axionic universes

林俊佑 (Chun-Yu Lin)

  • Position: Master
  • Intro:
    B.Sc. in Physics, National Taiwan University (2014~2018) Chau-Ting Chang Summer Research Scholarship (2015) Research purpose: The feature of a wave dark matter soliton does not shown in the rotation curves of low surface brightness galaxies. The random motion of the soliton and the high velocity dispersion near the galactic center may slow down the rotation speed and erase the feature of the soliton. To prove this statement, the mock observations of GAMER simulations of galactic disks inside a wave dark matter halos are compared to the observations.
  • Projects: Galactic Rotation Curves inside the Wave Dark Matter Halo

鄧為寧 (Wei-Ning Deng)

  • Position: Master
  • Intro:
    I graduated from the physics department of National Taiwan University. I have research experiences about dust evolution of galaxies, SMA observation project about dwarf galaxies, and Hawking radiation from Black Hole. Now I am working on applying wave dark matter to the evolution of Globular clusters.

華奕豪 (Yi-Hao Hua)

  • Position: Master
  • Intro:
    I was joining this lab at November 8th,2019 and my topic is soliton random walk in psidm simulation based on the paper 'Soliton Random Walk and the Cluster-Stripping Problem in Ultralight Dark Matter' by professor Hsi-Yu Schive, Tzihong Chiueh, and Tom Broadhurst. The object about this topic is finding out why will soliton random walk in the simulation? Did it affect by gluon or halo potential or something else? In advance , if we assure that the soliton random walk can be reproduce by local domain, we can even produce the simulation of Milky Way soliton random walk regardless of the extensive and massive loading on simulating the whole Milky Way. My job here is simulating different kind of halo and analyzing their soliton random walk to discover what behind them. It is a pleasure to learn in this lab and professor's teaching. This is a fascinating subject to work on.
  • Projects: psidm--soliton-random-walk

吳文華 (Wen-Hua Wu)

  • Position: Master
  • Intro:
    I am an undergraduate student in department of physics of NTU. My research topic is dark matter and astrophysical simulation. I am in the working group of GAMER, a GPU-accelerated adaptive mesh refinement code used in astrophysical simulation. In it, I completed a program of building the initial conditions (ICs) of particles in N-body simulations, which can be used to initialize physical parameters in certain astrophysical scenarios such as Fornax dwarf galaxy. My current research topic is Fornax cusp-core and timing problem. I plan to focus on research in wave dark matter simulation.


陳雙雙 (Chen Shuang Shuang)

  • Position: Bachelor
  • Intro:
    I am a student at National Taiwan University Department of Physics. My research interests are dark matter and supermassive black holes. Now I am working on applying wave dark matter to the evolution of supermassive black holes.


梁家豪 (KaHou Leong)

  • Master
  • Intro:
    My research interests are dark matter (especially, wave dark matter), physics in reionisation era and cosmological radiation transportation simulation. I am a PhD student in University of Edinburgh, (ROE, Royal Observatory Edinburgh) since 2020. year: 2015~2019 (NTU), 2020~current (ROE) Project : ENZO, cosmological radiation transportation simulation.
  • 2015 ~ 2017
  • Projects: cosmological radiation transfer simulation -> cosmological radiation transportation simulation